19 Mar 2015


The landscape of the Forest rolls out in vast swells.
Golden grasses bend to the breeze, their feathered tops painting the colourless sky.
Gorse throws bright yellow splashes against the spiky, spiny darkness of its armour - yellow for danger perhaps?
Fern stubble is everywhere, paused, waiting to unbend its hidden spirals into warmer air.
Every dip in the land holds a stream or a pond, filling and emptying with the changes in weather.
The wind buffets the ground, drying the walks and stealing my breath as I stride into it, head up, invigorated.

12 Mar 2015

final project for my course

This is the design idea for my final project in my tapestry weaving course. It was done with a japanese paint brush. The big question was whether to weave this vertically or horizontally but in the end I decided to do it vertically because of the orientation of the lower marks.

And this is the finished tapestry. I achieved the vertical red line by wrapping the yarn around the warp between passes. It's woven in linen and wool on cotton warp. The background is mainly white but the photo doesn't really show it well.