26 Jul 2012

24 Jul 2012

20 Jul 2012

progress report

Well, it's got a little further. I have no plan and am just playing, led by the yarns I have and serendipity. I put a few rows of sumack in with a cotton tape in lovely sludgy reddy, browny tones. There seems to be quite a lot of warp showing and this needs to be solved some time. Not now though. I haven't quite got to grips with warp size, epi etc. yet!

17 Jul 2012

weaving again!

My wrist's out of plaster and I can weave again :-)

Typing is a real problem still but tapestry weaving is OK and probably great physiotherapy! So I've got on with my sampler which is just my way of playing around and trying different techniques - so far, colour blending in the weft and also in the weave. I'm sure there are technical words for this sort of thing but they escape me without looking them up in a book! I didn't really mean to make such a definite change of colour with the red - my intention was to progressively subtly change the natural shades but I just love red!

There's a delicious little gap which shows up in this photo - probably a case of not beating down tight enough but I don't care - this is a labour of love, not perfection. Thinking about varying the colour of the warps and leaving gaps in the weaving and ... oh, all sorts of experiments.

4 Jul 2012

roll on 16th july

I broke my wrist at the beginning of June. Didn't realize it was a break; thought it was just sprained so carried on the best I could. When the swelling didn't go down I was nagged into going to the doctor who arranged an x-ray and I've been in plaster ever since! SO frustrating! I can't do half the things I want to do. I was just starting on a sampler tapestry weaving but can't work the fingers of my hand well enough to carry on with it. Still - only 12 days to go now!

I did manage to do a quick pen, ink & wash sketch of a rather good bottle of Shiraz before opening it. It's history now...